Solar PV power plant lifespan

Assessing and monitoring the expected lifespan of a solar power plant is a complex task that involves an in-depth analysis of the many different factors that can impact the facility. In terms of a sta...

The next renewable energy auction in Spain

Under the current Renewable Energy Economic Regime (REER), the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) has announced the third and fourth renewable energy auc...

The italian renewable market in one shot

Italy is Europe's third largest producer of renewable energy. The National Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) has set very ambitious targets for renewable energy by 2030, aiming to reach 55% of electrici...

Offshore wind and its potential in the UK

The offshore wind energy sector had its best year ever in 2021, with 21.1 GW of new capacity connected to the grid, according to the latest Global Offshore Wind Energy Report published by the Global W...

What is the water footprint and how do renewables impact it?

Maybe you've heard of the water footprint, which is the water used to grow your food and produce your clothes and the things you buy. This term is directly related to sustainability and is growing inc...

RePowerEU Plan and some Actions of the European Commission to reduce energy dependence

In reaction to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the European Union has created a package of actions aimed to shut off Russia's energy dependence on fossil fuels. This package of actions focuses on the on...